Strong Towns

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Good Listening

I am an avid fan of podcasting and have recommended some here to readers. On our off-day I wanted to take a brief moment to highlight two excellent podcast episodes that were recently released. 

The Thomas Jefferson Hour this week was about debt. Clay Jenkinson, who plays the part of Jefferson during the show's first two segments, provided stellar insight into the minds of those that founded the country. At a period of time where we are choking in debt, the "quaint" principles borne of the wisdom of Jefferson and his contemporaries are something we can all learn from.

I always wait anxiously for each episode of Dan Carlin's Common Sense, a show centered around the opinions of the self-described "fiercely independent" Carlin. The first half of the most recent episode addressed 10th amendment issues and a commentary on whether America is (or should be) breaking up. In terms of "finding ways to do more with less", turning to the great laboratory of America's decentralized governments is something we should embrace.