Strong Towns

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Conversation with an Engineer Download

We have received a number of requests from people that want to be able to download the Conversation with an Engineer video we produced in 2010. The specific request was to enable it to be shown off-line at meetings where there was poor or non-existent internet access.

We're very happy to announce today that we've made that possible. In fact...

Click here to download the video to your computer.

(You may need to right-click and then "Save as...", depending on your OS.)

Note: Strong Towns is not responsible for any mental duress resulting from repeated watching of this video. We are also not responsible for angry reactions from planners and engineers confronted with the illogic of their world view. If watching as part of a group, we recommend having a padded room or some type of physical restraint system available to keep those that develop a temporary feeling of hopelessness from doing damage to themselves or others. If confronted with such a reaction, give the affected individual(s) copies of our Top 10 posts from 2010 or have one of our podcasts on hand for fast listening. This should, in time, restore their sense of optimism in the future.

And if the video helps you communicate an important message to your community, please consider supporting Strong Towns so that we can continue to deliver this type of innovative content to you and others.

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