Strong Towns

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Friday News Copout

My fellow Strong Towners.....

Hectic week preparing for a vacation. I have a TON of material for a great Friday News Digest, but I'm up tragically late working on a grant application and getting up tragically early to take my dear niece down to the University of Minnesota for one of those senior-year tours for prospective students. I'm a graduate of I.T. and Humphrey Institute, both U of M, and will put on the full court press to get this very intelligent young woman to attend the U, even if she insists on attending the College of Low Aptitude (at least that is what they told us engineers that CLA stood for). 

This is all a long way of saying that I'm not likely to get a News Digest out today, which probably disappoints me more than you since it is always my favorite article of the week to write.

If you are going through withdrawal, check out the bonus podcast we added yesterday. We were able to take the audio from my Pecha Kucha presentation at CNU 19 and mix it with a video of the slides so you can both see and hear the presentation.

If I'm not back in this space today, thanks everyone for your understanding. Have a great weekend and...