Strong Towns

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There are days when it seems like the whole world is headed in the wrong direction, that all the people I meet are coarse and cruel, that decency has slipped away from humanity. Days like that it is hard for me to step back and get past the immediate moment, to see all of the beauty and to experience all the kind and decent people that I know surround me.

As I get older, I realize ever more clearly that it is really my perspective, my set of eyes and ears, that determine this. What do I choose to see?

Thank you to my friend, Sid Burgess, for sharing this video on his Facebook feed. Entering a time of year we culturally devote to being thankful, I find myself thankful for people like Sid who have encouraged us here at Strong Towns from the very start. I'm also thankful for all of the new people we've reached this year and the chance to help them make their communities stronger. 

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.