Strong Towns

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Are you a Strong Towns Enthusiast?

If you love Strong Towns and want to spread this message everywhere, consider becoming an official Strong Towns Enthusiast.

The Enthusiast membership level -- $250 per year or $21 per month -- not only gives you bonus Strong Towns content, early invitation to our 2014 webinar series (which are free to members), early registration to Boot Camps and our 2014 National Gathering (seats are limited) but also:

  • Invitations to small group discussions with Strong Towns Fellows and Staff,
  • Early release of reports and other publications, and
  • The option to be listed on the Strong Towns website and in our annual report.

Become part of the Strong Towns movement as an Enthusiast between now and the end of the year and you'll be part of our Founder's Circle, an exclusive list of our closest friends and supporters that were here from the beginning.

Please consider joining us today.