Strong Towns

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Minnesota ULI Event

I wanted to take our normal off day here and pass along the details on an event I'm participating in here in Minnesota. The organizers here have gone all out to make sure this is more than a lecture but a real exchange of ideas. I've been prepped to expect some hard questions (my favorite type) and some skeptics in the crowd (love it).

The event is open to the public but the number of attendees is limited and you must register to attend. Also, if you are a student, you're going to get a free autographed copy of my bok, Thoughts on Building Strong Towns (Volume 1). All the information is below.


Kicking the Habit: Unsustainable Economic Growth

Hear Charles Marohn, Executive Director, Strong Towns, give a candid talk about the future of America’s cities, towns and neighborhoods and interactively participate in the discussion.

Topics include:

  • Why our cities and towns are so short of resources despite decades of robust growth
  • Why we struggle at the local level just to maintain our basic infrastructure
  • What can we do now that the economy has changed so dramatically

Marohn’s presentation has been called a “stunning game changer” for communities looking to be resilient and have prosperous growth during changing times.  Charles will focus on these three major themes:

  • The current path cities are pursuing is not financially stable
  • The future for most cities will not resemble the recent past
  • The main determinant of future prosperity for cities will be local leaders’ ability to transform their communities

Marohn leads the nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, Strong Towns, that is focused on the root of what it sees as the systemic problems facing our communities: land use patterns – the way we have designed our towns, neighborhoods, and cities.

Learn more about Strong Towns.

If you are a current student, you will receive a free copy of the Thoughts on Building Strong Towns, Volume 1 book as well as a ready-to-use young professional’s real estate development contact list to expand your network.

Interactive Participation:
Participate in pre-event and on-site polling via iPads to help inform the moderated discussion.  Open Q & A is also planned.

Annual Young Leaders Group Program: Everyone is Welcome!

Dorsey & Whitney 5
50 S. 6th St.
15th Floor – Minnesota Room
Minneapolis, MN

Schedule of Events:
3:30 p.m. Registration
4:00 p.m. Program
5:30 p.m. Reception

Registration Fees:
Member $35
Non-Member  $45
Student  $10

1.0 hours CRE and AICP applied for

Register Below or call 1.800.321.5011
Event code 8117-1385

Registration Deadline:
  Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Refund Requests must be made in writing no later than Tuesday, March 5, 2013; refund requests will not be accepted after this date. Fax refund requests to 410-626-7148.

Download Registration Form (.pdf)
Download Event Flyer (.pdf)