Strong Towns

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The Week Ahead

Rachel and Chuck discuss last week's events in Louisville, KY and Peterborough NH, Chuck's new title as "Colonel Marohn," plus the schedule for Chuck's trip to Toronto and Peoria this week and the book, D-Day Through German Eyes.

This Week's Event Schedule

Tuesday, Sep. 29: Curbside Chat at 7pm in Peterborough, ON

Wednesday, Sep. 30: Designing World Class Transportation Systems at 2pm in Toronto, ON

Thursday, Oct. 1: Responding to Congestion with Complete Streets at 9am in Toronto, ON

Friday, Oct. 2: Public Lunch Session and Curbside Chat at 12pm and 6pm in Peoria, IL

A special welcome to our new and renewing members: Mike Christensen - Salt Lake City, UT; Ashley Thornton - Waco, TX; Matthew Dalbey, Silver Spring, MD; Jim Norris - Springfield, IL; Brehanna Skaletski - Green Bay, WI; Adam Porr - Columbus, OH; Louis Radkowski - Saint Marys, PA.

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