Strong Towns

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The Walmart Index: Results of our Big Box Data Collection Are In

Two weeks ago, we announced a crowdsourced database project in collaboration with Urban3 that aims to collect information on tax productivity of big box stores in comparison with other, more compact developments. We invited your submissions from towns, suburbs and cities across the country. Below is a preliminary map of that data, created by Josh McCarty.

Each dot illustrates a different building, with the size of the dot reflecting its tax productivity. Click on the arrow in the upper left corner to view a map key that offers the specific values of each dot size. In that key, you'll also find an explanation of what each color dot represents: Red is Walmarts, blue is the tallest building in each town, and so on. Check out the key to learn more.

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You can click on the individual dots to view detailed information about each development. Make sure to zoom in on those because many dots overlap one another unless you view them up close. We're still in the process of fine-tuning the map and deciding how we want to use this data, so please share feedback with us in the comments.

The big thing you'll notice about this map is that it needs more data. We want a big box store and a tallest building for every city and town (or at least a few examples from each state). Please take a few minutes to submit tax data for the stores in your town, or nearby municipalities. We have a handy guide that tells you how to do that right here

We need more data to truly make an impact. Join us in this effort.

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