Strong Towns

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This Week's Slackchat: An Inner City Highway in Shreveport

This week, we're focusing on a proposed inner-city highway connector in Shreveport, LA. On Thursday, we've invited two Strong Towns members who live in Shreveport—Tim Wright and Jennifer Hill— to lead a Slack discussion (along with Strong Towns staff) about what's happening in Shreveport and the efforts they're undertaking to help stop it. 

The chat will be held at 11am Central on Thursday, February 23.

Just log onto Slack and visit the #scheduled-slack-chat channel at the scheduled time to join Tim, Jennifer and other Strong Towns staff members and readers in a lively discussion. We'll see where the conversation takes us.

We've also started a #shreveport channel to discuss this topic throughout the week and beyond. Login to slack and search the channels to join.