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Top 5 Stories at Strong Towns This Week (Apr. 10-14, 2017)

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Here's what topped our charts this week:

Graphic from People for Bikes' "Quick Builds for Better Streets" guide. Learn more in our Memphis story.

From Tactical to Permanent: A Memphis Success Story

by Rachel Quednau | April 10, 2017

Memphis is a shining example of how taking small, low-cost steps can lead to more permanent change that benefits a neighborhood and a city, without risking detrimental public backlash or precious money in the city budget.

Is Nothing Sacred?

by Charles Marohn | April 12, 2017

I'd like you to join with me and the many good people of Worcester as we mourn the passing of this amazing building.

These resources will help you host a pop-up traffic calming demonstration in your town.

by Marielle Brown | April 11, 2017

Get out there and start making your streets safer.

Find a Place you Love that Needs you

by Sarah Kobos | April 13, 2017

A neighborhood is an ecosystem, a quirky human habitat, and when it’s been damaged by generations of neglect, it probably needs help that has nothing to do with repairing roofs and bringing wiring up to code.

Towards a Liberal Approach to Urban Form

by Nolan Gray | April 13, 2017

What we need is not a new and improved vision of urban form but a robust liberal understanding of urban form. This transition involves shifting from thinking of cities as simple machines toward thinking of cities as complex, emergent systems.

(Top photo by Andrew Price)

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