Strong Towns

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Top 5 Stories This Week (April 9-12, 2018)

Here's what was most popular on our site this week:

1. My "Disingenuous" Push to Save a Neighborhood School

by Charles Marohn | April 9, 2018

You can't have a neighborhood school without a neighborhood. We shouldn't be forced to choose between the two.

2. 4 Factors That Can Make Affordable Housing Not So Affordable

by Kea Wilson | April 11, 2018

"Affordability" is about far more than just the price of rent.

3. Be a Better Neighbor, Build a Better Neighborhood

by Sarah Kobos | April 12, 2018

If you want to make your neighborhood a better place, you have to get outside and meet the people around you. Here are 9 ideas to get you started.

4. 4 Things You Can Do to Address Housing Issues in Your Community

by Rachel Quednau | April 9, 2018

You don't need to be a city councilor or real estate developer to shape the future of housing in your town.

5. Is Inclusionary Zoning Creating Less Affordable Housing?

by Emily Hamilton | April 11, 2018

By making it more expensive to build market-rate housing, inclusionary zoning has the potential to actually reduce access to housing.

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