Strong Towns

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Get to Know Strong Towns This Week

Strong Towns is changing the conversation about how we build cities and towns, and how we can prepare every community for long-term fiscal solvency and resilience. To do that, we are determined to build a movement of a million people who care.

This is why we are a membership-driven organization and not a consulting firm or policy think tank. The Strong Towns movement is about you. And we want to know what questions you have for us, and what feedback you have as well. What do you most want to see from us, the Strong Towns staff, to better help you go out and make real change where you live?

At Strong Towns, we're all about transparency and approachability. You can contact any of our staff (including our President) via email, phone or Slack, and read a detailed breakdown of exactly how we spend our money. If you meet us at an event, we're more likely to be wearing Strong Towns t-shirts than suits. And we don't shy away from tough questions or conversations.…

Which is why we've got 2 simple ways for you to connect with us this week.

1. An Open Slackchat (Thursday)

First, we're inviting you to ask us literally anything on a completely open-ended Slackchat. Several of our staff will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about the Strong Towns movement and membership.

Want to know more about why we're a media organization and not a consulting group? We can answer that. Not convinced that membership is important? We'll address that, too.

This chat will take place on our Slack discussion forum at 12pm CST on Thursday, November 15.

Just log onto Slack and visit the #scheduled-slack-chat channel at the scheduled time to join Strong Towns staff, members and readers in a lively discussion. We'll see where the conversation takes us.…

If you're not yet part of our Slack (and you should be!), take 30 seconds to request an invitation and we'll get you set up for the chat.

2. A Live Ask Strong Towns Webcast (Friday)

Every other month, we host Ask Strong Towns to give you a chance to ask your burning questions about our vision for change, and how the Strong Towns approach might apply in your unique place—and give us a chance to share our answer with the world, so it might help other Strong Citizens.

This month, join Strong Towns President Chuck Marohn and Communications Manager Kea Wilson on Friday, November 16th at 12pm CST for a special Member Drive edition of Ask Strong Towns.

This event is open only to the members of the Strong Towns movement.  Members, check your email for your invitation, or email member support for help.  

Non-members may pre-submit questions via the Ask Strong Towns page, though please be advised that member questions will take priority; join the movement now to attend live, or listen to the Strong Towns podcast, where we'll re-release the audio of Ask Strong Towns, to see if we answered your question. 

If you value resources and conversations like these, join the Strong Towns movement by becoming a member today.