Strong Towns

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Top 5 Stories from the Week (July 30-Aug 3, 2018)

Here's our top content from the week.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. Most Public Engagement is Worthless

by Charles Marohn | July 30, 2018

It is the experiences of real people that should guide our planning efforts. Their actions are the data we should be collecting, not their stated preferences.

2. Niagara’s Fall and Asheville’s Unlikely Rise

by Connor Nielsen | July 31, 2018

70 years ago, these two historic cities were on a similar path. Then one fell into debt while the other was swimming in money. You might be surprised by what they each look like today.

3. Small Businesses Can Save Your Community

by Quint Studer | July 31, 2018

Small businesses are crucial to local economic health. Thriving small businesses create thriving communities, in a virtuous cycle.

4. How to Cover Urban Planning: A Guide for Local Journalists

by Nolan Gray | July 31, 2018

11 steps to more comprehensive reporting on zoning changes, new developments and everything in between.

5. A Strong Towns Crash Course

by Rachel Quednau | July 30, 2018

If you're new to this space, welcome. Here are 5 steps to help get yourself acquainted with our message and our movement.

(Top photo source: Brady Cook)