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Top 5 Stories from the Week (Aug 27-Aug 31, 2018)

Here's our top content from the week.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. Your City Isn't Changing as Fast as You Think

by Daniel Herriges | August 27, 2018

The belief that we’re going to radically transform our cities from the top down defies reality. Despite widespread anxiety about urban growth and change, the vast majority of places aren’t changing very much at all.

2. Who Is the "Public" at Public Meetings?

by Strong Towns Staff | August 27, 2018

New research out of Boston University confirms that those who speak at local public hearings are not representative of the public as a whole. Elected officials seeking to understand constituents’ views should treat these hearings as only one source among many.

3. A Missouri City Sells Out Minority Small Businesses for Big Box Promises

by Aubrey Byron | August 29, 2018

University City, Missouri, is on the verge of a terrible decision: a redevelopment deal that would displace dozens of homes and minority-owned businesses in its unofficial “Chinatown” for big-box retail subsidized through tax-increment financing.

4. IoT: The Irrelevance of Thingies

by Joe Cortright | August 28, 2018

As technology becomes cheaper and more commonplace, it’s not driving us away from cities. Rather, it’s making the other attributes of place—especially human capital, social interaction and quality of life—more valuable.

5. Why Is That House or Storefront Vacant?

by Tracy Hadden Loh and Michael Rodriguez | August 30, 2018

In an area where the population is growing, one question often vexes neighbors: why is that house or storefront vacant? It just doesn’t seem to make sense. Why do landlords leave properties empty when they could be getting rent? (This article was originally featured on Greater Greater Washington.)