Strong Towns

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284 People Have Signed On to Support the Strong Towns Movement This Week...Will You Be 285?

Did you know that Strong Towns has an annual audience of 1.8 million people? That’s 1.8 million times our message of creating stronger, more financially resilient communities has reached someone who needed to hear it.

And did you know that the foundation of this work is not an actual foundation—or foundations—some big grantmaking institution we go to to meet our modest needs in one fell swoop? No, the bedrock of the movement is our members—now 2,500 strong—who give a modest amount each month to help sustain and grow our work. They account for 40% of our annual budget.

Looked at one way, each of our members can take credit for getting the Strong Towns message into the world 720 times. How’s that for a return on investment?

And our work (yours and ours) is paying off. Just this week we highlighted a few places in which Strong Towns members are moving the needle.

We also heard from the next generation of built environment professionals—students in planning, civil engineering, and public policy—who are bringing Strong Towns with them into the classroom.

In recent weeks, we’ve seen major policy shifts from our friends at Transportation for America (no new infrastructure!) and our neighbors in Minneapolis (no more de facto bans on duplexes and triplexes!). We wouldn’t dare try to take credit for the hard, brave work these folks did. And, anyway, our belief is that if Strong Towns is really successful, we won’t hear about it, because our ideas will be thoroughly embedded in the broader culture. Our point is that there are reasons to be hopeful about the success of our movement.

And it’s all thanks to you.

Today is the last day of our Fall 2019 member drive. We’re gratified and humbled to see our message resonating with more new names and faces than ever before. In the past week alone, more than 284 people have contributed. Some were renewing their memberships, but nearly 240 were signing up for the first time! And that’s at last count. The phone calls and online sign-ups are still coming in.

But what’s really fantastic about these numbers is that they’re not just numbers. Every single one of you has a story.

Your stories are what Strong Towns comes down to. Many of the stories we tell in our articles and multimedia content come straight from our members (and you can pitch us here if you’ve got one to share). We don’t believe we have all the answers your community needs. We offer questions you should ask; we offer ways of thinking about the problems you face. But seeing those questions and insights translated into action in ways we could never anticipate never ceases to be astonishing.

Our new members have joined a community of Strong Citizens with unique wisdom and inspiration to share with each other. We’re glad to have each and every one of you.

If you’re inspired by our work but haven't joined yet, there's still time.* Join us now. We'll do amazing things together.

*Oh, and for this week only, new members who pledge $10 or more per month will get an autographed copy of Chuck Marohn’s new book, a lost chapter, companion reading guide, and access to the inaugural book club coming January 2020.

Our profound gratitude goes out to the following folks who contributed this week:

Adam Lindenlaub, Adam Hawley, AdamNugent, Akshai Singh, Al Doyle, Alan Bartelme, Allan Rudwick, ALlyn Ettien, Alvin Francis, Andrea Corno, Andres Diaz, Andres Duany, Andy Tomkinson, Ann Pierce, Anne Keehnen, Arrash Baghaie, Auros Harman, Austin Talbert, Barb Hustad, Barbara Didrichsen, Barbara H Bryan, Bertis Downs, Bill Talkington, Billy Hattaway, Bob Whalen, Boris Starosta, Brandon Schielack, Brandon Smith, Brenda Rigdon, Brett Larter, Brian Lawrence, Brian Medina, Brian Miller, Brigitte Meyer, Bruce MacGregor, Buddy Milliken, Camilla Cracchiolo, Carla Zainie, Carly Marshall, Carol Warren, Catherine Goldsmith, Chau Nguyen, Chelsea Lawson, Cheryl Stacks, Chloe Groome, Chris Nolte, Chris Miller, Chris Ulmer, Christina Benty, Christine Bailey, Christine Wilcox, Christopher Chitty, Christopher Adams, Christopher Gibson, Christopher Girard, Coleman Whiteley, Collin Hodges, Cyrus Naheedy, Dan Allison, Daniel Cloutier, Daniel Higbee, Danielle OLeary, Danielle Getsinger, Danny Davis, Darcy Kitching, David August, David Campbell, David Coyt, David Levinger, Davidt Welton, Denise Nelson, Dennis McCartney, Dennis Strait, Devin Burton, Donna Boelen, Donna Schmitt, Douglas Engle, Douglas McQueen, DPZ CoDesign, LLC, Dustin Johnson, Eben Polk, Edward B. Wallace, Elizabeth Alexander, Eric Morris, Eric Kasprowicz, Eric Sargeant, Erick Aurand, Evan Lowenstein, Francine Trendler, Francis Frankovich, Gabe Johnson, Georgene Chissell, Gerald Ogilvie, Gina Betti, Gladwyn d'Souza, Greg Sund, Hall Block, Hank Garfield, Harvey Reiss, Howard Blackson, Howard Miller, Howard Strasser, Hugh MalkinIan, Ian Carlton, Ian Futterer, Jack Rowe, Jacob Cote, Jacob Tjaden, Jacquelyn Rouse, Jake Maas, James Bidigare, James Guthrie, Jan Holan, Jane Henderson, Janet Reed, Jason Heitman, Jason Jewell, Jason Stokes, Jay Fazek, Jeb Boyt, Jeff Boers, Jeff Buscher, Jefrrey Feiffer, Jenifer Acosta, Jennifer Dunn, Jeremy Dixon, Jesse Bailey, Jesse Lecy, Jill Christopherson, Jill Fleming, Jim Hodapp, Jim Jenner, John Dixon, John Eastman, John Hoey, John Isom, John Siekmeier, John Werner, Jonathan Wicks, Jordan Sliz, Joseph Goessling, Joshua Galiley, Joshua Schroeder, Joyce Tang Boyland, Judy Crockett Justin Pregont, Kari Mailloux, Karin Tepley, Kate Hotler, Kathryn Shackelford, Kathryn Spatz, Keaton Smith, Kelly Lannan, Ken Bryan, Kevin Ballard, Kevin Brown, Kevin Germino, Kevin Thomas, Kirsten Whetstone, Laura Kelly, Lauren McClellan, Lawrence King, Lee Humphrey, Leigh Jirges, Leland Crooks, Len Beyea, Leslie Austin, Linda Pope, Linda Foss, Lindsay Bayley, Lindsey Walsh, Lisa Patrell, Logan Blake, Marc and Nancy Moses, Marcia Harp, Marcus Garnet, Margaret Sherraden, Marissa Copeland, Mark Harradine, Mark Kittrell, Mark Smith, Marlene Pohl, Martin Arford, Martin Rowland, Mary Chamuris, Mary Reilly, Matt Steele, Matthew Bredeson, Matthew Garbett, Matthew Hyland, Matthew Scott, Maureen Mahoney, Meg Harvie Coon, Melanie Leaverton, Melanie Goddard, Melissa Dougherty-O'Hara, Michael Donovan, Michael Gwinn, Michael Lewyn, Michael McLaurin,Michael Mcnerney, Michael Smith, Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine, Michele C Martinez, Mike Williams, Miriel Reneau, Mischelle Julien, Monica Day, Monica Rockwell, Nicholas DiCarlo, Nick Kuzmyak, Nick Mastick, Patricia Cort, Patricia D'Arconte, Patrick Quinn, Paul Kail, Paul Lander, Paul Thompson, Paul Welte, Peter Higbee, Peter Vickerman, Philip LaCombe Phillip Trocquet, R Scott Phillips, Rachel Trignano, Randy Mueller, Rebecca Dayton, Rebecca Motley, Richard Frederick, Richard Joshua Vincent, Richard Posey, Robbie Sherrard, Robert Czajka, Robert Kelly, Robert Leve, Roger Kroh, Roger Tomten, Roland Saucedo, Ronald Searl, Rosemary Quinn, Ross Hadley, Russell Findley, Sam Stern, Sandra Barnhouse, Sandra Korbelik, Sara Beresford, Sara Hertzscott Donovan, Sean Hayford Oleary, Stephen Broache, Stephen Valder, Steve Bennett, Steve Corley, Steve Luse, Steven Johnson, Steven Simpson-Black, Susan Doyle, Talmage Hansen, Tamara Nicholl-Smith, Tara Dawson, Terry Mitchell, Thach Nguyen, Theresa Harrison Tim Stevens, Timothy Ruybalid, Tracy Fox, Tyler McNab, Vicki Rusbult, Victor Kloeze, Walter Shaw, Wendy Pate, Will Clark, William Dowdy, and William Smythe.