Strong Towns

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Talks at Google with Strong Towns

The entire Strong Towns Team is converging on Southern California today for a staff retreat and a Regional Gathering (some tickets still available — amazing lineup). We all work in different parts of the country and don’t get to see each other in person often, so be patient with us as we may not be as quick to respond of follow-up this week. Lots of work to do!

This is also the last out-of-state travel week for the Strong America Tour. I’ll be doing three presentations, including Camarillo (Tuesday) and then San Diego (Wednesday) and Santa Ana (Wednesday evening). Each of these is open to the public. All the information, as always, is available on our events page.

Demand for the Strong America Tour has been so overwhelming that we’re in discussions on 2020 locations. In the next week or two, we’re going to be able to start rolling some of those out. In the meantime, here’s a preview in the form of a Talks at Google presentation I did last month. While shorter than a normal Strong America presentation, it’s a good summary (and high quality) you can pass along to others.

Hope to see many of you in Santa Ana this week!