Strong Towns

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Top 5 Recent Stories (March 2-March 6)

Here's our most popular recent content.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. Market Correction Time

by Charles Marohn | March 2, 2020

A retrenchment in the stock market will be devastating to our cities. It’s also inevitable and, in some ways, necessary.

2. Why Do We Think Walkable Towns are Only for Tourists?

by Daniel Herriges | March 5, 2020

Great urbanism: if it’s good enough for a vacation, then it’s good enough for everyday life.

3. Two Simple Rules for Healthy Neighborhood Change

by Daniel Herriges | March 4, 2020

The way we grow our cities today produces a few winners and many losers. Here's how to get back to places that serve all of us.

4. Finding the Small Bets in a Disinvested Neighborhood

by Strong Towns | March 5, 2020

Fernando Peralta Berrios—president at the Las Familias de Rosemont neighborhood association in Fort Worth, Texas—discusses how he and his neighbors have partnered with the City of Fort Worth to guide public investment in its historically disinvested neighborhood.

5. Can We Kick the Car Habit

by Marlene Druker | March 3, 2020

Can we break free of our car addiction? It may be possible, but it won’t be easy…or fast.

Top image via Unsplash.