Strong Towns

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The best time to build a Strong Town was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.

Most of us are familiar with the old Chinese proverb: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.”

Even as the pandemic wreaks havoc with the economic and social fabric of our communities now, many cities and towns are considering what their post-COVID future will look like. The places most likely to weather the longterm storm are those places that are adaptable, financially resilient, socially connected, and responsive to people’s needs. In other words, what we would call a “Strong Town.”

So we could adapt that Chinese proverb this way: “The best time to build a Strong Town was 20 years ago—or even ten years ago. The second best time is today.”

It’s never been more clear just how much the survival of our cities hinges on being strong and resilient. It’s always been important, but it’s never been more urgent. To better serve the communities doing this work, Strong Towns is creating its most comprehensive resource ever—nine, in-depth courses that will help you, your neighbors, and your local leaders take action now. These courses go deep on a range of topics, including transportation, housing, economic development, urban design, and more. (The full course list is below.) We call it the Strong Towns Academy.

This is your chance to gain the skills and tools to transform your place into a Strong Town.

For a limited time—and for a limited number of participants—we are offering a subscription package that will give you access to all nine courses (which would cost more than $3,000 to purchase separately) for just $500.

For those of you who need continuing education credits, we estimate these courses will provide over 32 hours of CE credits.

Here are the nine courses you will get in the subscription package:

  • Strong Towns 101: Free Course (Available Now)

  • Aligning Transportation with a Strong Towns Approach​ (Summer 2020)

  • Creating Housing Opportunities in a Strong Town (Summer 2020)

  • Making Capital Investments in a Strong Town (Fall 2020)

  • Jobs, Growth, and Economic Development in a Strong Town (Fall 2020)

  • Building Neighborhood Resiliency (Fall 2020)

  • Doing Public Engagement that Matters (Winter 2021)

  • Mobilizing Your Community to Become a Strong Town (Winter 2021)

  • Urban Design Principles for a Strong Town (Winter 2021)

This is your chance to align your whole team around the Strong Towns principles and practices that will help your city survive and even thrive in the coming years.