Strong Towns

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The Strong Towns Action Lab Is Growing

Over the last dozen years, Strong Towns has published more than 5,000 articles, more than a thousand podcasts, and numerous webcasts, e-books, and other resources. For someone who wants to go deeper with the Strong Towns message—and especially for someone looking for just the right resource to help them solve a problem in their city—that can be an overwhelming archive to wade through.

In January, we launched the Strong Towns Action Lab. It allows us to curate our best, most actionable content, on an easy-to-search, easy-to-browse platform. In typical Strong Towns fashion, we launched with a minimum viable product and we’ve been iterating ever sense.

If you haven’t visited the Action Lab in a while, now would be a great time to do it. Over the last few months we’ve added new topics, as well as several other new resources.

New Topics

In the Explore by Topic section, we are steadily curating our top content, case studies, and a summary of Strong Towns’ core insights on topics ranging from transportation and housing, to public financing and parking. We’ve added or updated several topics recently:

Other New Resources

In addition to exploring Strong Towns content by topic, the Action Lab is also a great place to find recent article series, webcasts, and more. Here are some additional resources we’ve added or updated recently:

1. Breaking Out of the Resource Trap

Too many communities rely on just one industry or employer to sustain them financially. That’s taking a tremendous risk. We created “Breaking Out of the Resource Trap” to help communities like these grow stronger and more prosperous. You can find the case studies here, or download the free e-book here.

2. Writing for Strong Towns

Are you interested in writing for Strong Towns? Want to pitch a story? You can find out how to do so here. You’ll also find a brand new style guide for guest contributors that will give you insights into what we publish and why.

3. Connecting with Strong Towns Advocates Near You

Want to connect with other Strong Towns advocates near you? The first step is to see if there is a Local Conversation near you. (You can also start your own.) But we’re also beginning to compile some favorite articles on how to jumpstart the Strong Towns conversation where you live.

What’s Next?

Are there other resources you’d especially like us to add to the Action Lab? Topics you think we should be focusing on next for the Explore by Topic section? Let us know your preferences in the comments below!