Strong Towns

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Look What You Did (It’s Awesome)

(Source: Unsplash.)

We’re wrapping up another exciting Member Week. Twice a year, we take extra care and time to to acknowledge the irreplaceable work our members do to support and grow the Strong Towns movement.

We’re also nearing the close of another calendar year.

And so, as Strong Towns staff, we wanted to express our gratitude for all that you, our Strong Towns members, have made possible over the last 11 months.

Strong Towns is on track to publish more than 550 articles in 2021, as well as more than 120 podcasts. We are also on track to reach more than 2 million people with the Strong Towns message. You made this happen.

You helped us launch the Action Lab, a new platform that curates 12 years of our best, most actionable resources; it helps people find the answers they need to put the Strong Towns approach to work right where they live.

You helped organize the first-ever Local-Motive Tour, which brought in experts and heroes from across North America on topics ranging from picking your next bike lane battle to doing the math on projects and improving community engagement.

You helped launch the second Strong Towns book, Confessions of a Recovering Engineer, as well as the ongoing book tour. The Strong Towns approach to fixing transportation is gaining traction around the U.S. and Canada. You made that happen.

You created new online courses on housing, transportation, and urban design. You created in-depth series on economic development, the infrastructure bill, and repurposing a neglected urban resource. You also took action in your own city. In our articles and podcasts, we’ve tried to capture a few of the stories we’ve heard from you—but there are more than we can get to…and new stories being lived every day.

And even this is the tip of the iceberg.

Look what you did. It’s awesome. Is it any wonder Strong Towns members are not only our financial supporters, but also our inspiration and our heroes? We talk all the time as staff about how we can help and honor them. We’re enormously grateful.

Thank you for all of that and more. 2021 has been a milestone year for the Strong Towns movement. We expect even more from 2022. And thank you for an amazing Member Week. If you haven’t joined our incredible community of Strong Towns members, there’s no time like right now.

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We’d like to especially thank all the folks who have become members over the last week. There are more than 120 new members so far! with more being added each hour. When you become a member, you’ll be in good company:

Joan Raiselis, Joel Arteaga, Richard Kennedy, Ben Link, Robert Jacobson, Sarah Roy, Katherine Petrey, Sam Bishop, Rich Mansfield, Laura Marwill, Kiarash Rahbar, Raymond McElroy, Zack Terakedis, Tara Van Niman, Chet Corcos, Mike Keen, Sudhish Mohindroo, Mark Kornelis, Johnny Hayward, Daniel Jones, Kevin Cunningham, David Higuera, Han Tran, Steven Geier, German Ramirez, Daniel Gainsboro, Zane Richter, Megan Do, Lisa Katter-Jackson, Cyndonna Tefft, Jonathan Scheel, Davies Nagel, Marie McKinsey, Joan Raderman, Conrad Stroebe, Roland Tanner, Scott Snodgrass, Pam Denham, Stephen Sherlock, James Walker, Zachary Mensinger, Dominick Rizzo, Bill Curtis, Loni Gray, Anne LaBate, Rebekah Potts, Marsha Hanchrow, Collin Pearsall, Jason R Hottle, Jared Stephenson, Luanne Anderson, Michael Fife, Max LeMarchant, Eric Thompson, Christene Willis, Nadia Matthews, Christine Adamowicz, Phillip Carter, Douglas Henley, Christopher Smith, Thomas Lyon, Thomas Weber, James Newman, Tarlton Ferrin, Luke Zhou, Travis Tomich, Nicole Rodriguez, Benjamin Lewis, Will Nixon, Alex Webber, Kristin Dahl, Sandra Wallace, Wendy Puffer, Jay Stange, Jeff Gow, Carter Casidy, William Wood, Denita Wright, John Holmes, Kathleen Minogue, Sandra Robinson, Alon Golan, Pietro Ferrero, Rich Hensel, Jacob Bransky, Ron Spark, Eric Berg, Reagan Walsh, Soren Stevenson, Zack Farrell, Sampath Panini, David Sullivan, Mary Yost, Ned Melanson, Steve Cone, Cathleen DeSimone, Leah Hackler, Richard Miller, Daniel Danicic, Annamarie Pluhar, Rick Danner, Iain Olness, John Pescatore, Aubree Smith, Bill Lehman, Zackary Adams, Guy Burdick, Mathew Leinwetter, Tiffany Keith, Brian Dawn, Stephen Cathers, Josh Nanus, Leah Moskovitz, Shinaola Agbede, John Simmins, Agustin Gastelum, Stephen Duboyce, Matthew Solyntjes, Alexandra Perrotta, Jonathan Nelson, Marissa Feliciano, Michael Gustavson, James Morris