Strong Towns

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What does a Strongest Town winner look like?

Last week we began accepting nominations for the Strongest Town contest, our annual bracket competition (now in its sixth year) to find the world’s strongest town or city. We’ve said this before, but it’s important and so we’ll say it again (and keep saying it): we’re not looking for the perfect community, the one that seems to have it all figured out. The perfect community doesn’t exist. No, we’re looking for communities doing their best to get stronger.

The work of becoming a strong town is never finished; the Strongest Town contest celebrates the places pursuing a Strong Towns approach with creativity, diligence, humility, and intelligence.

To nominate your town or city, or to see the schedule, or to read the rules, check out our Strongest Town landing page. If you have any questions, send them to our Content Manager, John Pattison, at

What does a Strongest Town winner look like? Well, it could look a lot like your town. But we thought it might be helpful to let you explore the winning journeys of our previous champions. Maybe it will inspire you to nominate your own community—or to help you build a stronger town, right where you are, starting right now.

2016: Carlisle, Pennsylvania

2017: Traverse City, Michigan

2018: Muskegon, Michigan

2019: Pensacola, Florida

2020: Watertown, South Dakota

2021: Your City?