Strong Towns

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Here's What's New in the Action Lab

We continue to build out the Action Lab, a platform we launched in January to organize and share our most actionable content from the last 10 years. We’re adding new resources every week; here is what’s new in the Action Lab:

New Topics: By popular demand, we added Missing Middle and Homelessness to our Explore by Topic section. Under each topic, we’ve listed our top content, as well as case studies and examples. We wrote up a short description of Strong Towns’ core insights on the problem of homelessness. We’re working on a similar write-up for Missing Middle.

Member Blog Roll: Early last month we introduced an updated Member Blog Roll. The blog roll now includes about 50 blogs and podcasts on topics related to building stronger and more financially resilient cities. Check it out! We think you’ll see, as we did when we were curating it, that Strong Towns members are ridiculously smart and doing some really cool things in their towns and cities.

How-To Guides: We’re steadily adding more How-To Guides. There are about a dozen so far, on topics ranging from picking your next bike lane battle to conducting a DIY value-per-acre analysis in your city. Several of the How-To Guides are related to our recent Local-Motive Tour. The archive of those virtual events is now available to purchase, and you can get lifetime access to all ten events for just $125.

Questions & Answers: In the Community section, Strong Towns readers have the opportunity to ask and answer questions related to applying the Strong Towns approach to the challenges facing their own towns and cities. Here are some recent discussions. Do you have some thoughts to contribute?

As we said above, we’re regularly adding new topics and resources to the Action Lab. If there’s a core Strong Towns topic you’d like us to prioritize, let us know by contacting our content manager John Pattison at

Where do you want to start exploring the Action Lab?

The Action Lab is made possible by our Strong Towns members, a dedicated group of advocates (nearly 3,000 strong) who help grow the Strong Towns movement by contributing financially to the organization. In fact, the Action Lab is just a small part of what our members make possible. The 500+ articles and 100+ podcasts we annually produce, our events and webcasts, our community building efforts, our ebooks and how-to-guides, and so much more—these are all thanks to our members.

Are you ready to help grow the Strong Towns movement? Become a member today.

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