Strong Towns

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Your City Is Facing a Housing Crisis. Here's How You Can Help.

You’ve probably heard that there’s a “housing crisis” in your city. But what kind of crisis? Some neighborhoods are cripplingly unaffordable, while others struggle with chronic disinvestment and neglect.

Furthermore, a thicket of regulatory and financial distortions have limited our cities’ ability to adapt and evolve. Housing issues are among the most complex and contentious, which leaves so many of us unsure of what policies or actions will help, or where our own expertise might fit in.

Strong Towns believe our cities need to be shaped by many hands, not few, and that you have an important role to play in this process.

We’re a movement full of professionals and nonprofessionals who care deeply about the future of our places and are working to make them better.  We’ve been conducting accessible presentations, workshops, and trainings for years, for hundreds of thousands of people across the country.

If you’re ready to dive in and understand what’s causing the housing challenges in your city and how to change them in a resilient manner, it’s time to sign up for our newest Academy course: Creating Housing Opportunities in a Strong Town.

In this course, you’ll develop an understanding of:

  • Why local housing markets are so distorted, and the impact this has on our stability and prosperity.

  • How to create the right market incentives to bring about productive development patterns.

  • How to systematically address neighborhood decline on a limited budget.

  • Specific changes to local regulatory systems to create affordable housing options.

  • Steps to foster a bottom-up community of builders to respond to local needs.

  • And more!

Worth 10.5 continuing education credits through the AICP and geared for anyone who cares about housing issues in their city (be it nonprofit leaders, city staff, or concerned citizens), this course is full of in-depth videos, extended resources, and a step-by-step process for developing a plan of action in your place.

Ready to learn how to be an effective advocate for housing that serves your needs and the needs of your community?