Strong Towns

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Conversation with an Engineer

A few months back we started a YouTube Channel to share some of our favorite videos relating to community design, finance and all things Strong Towns. Today we want to share with you our first contribution to the Channel, which we have called Conversation with an Engineer.

If this sounds eerily familiar to you, do not be surprised. We've heard of, seen or taken part in thousands of conversations just like this all across the country. There is no specific inspiration for this dialog beyond an insight that the status-quo justification for many of our community-building projects is based on a flimsy scaffold of unsupportable "truths" and dogmatic beliefs.

We need to challenge the status quo. We need to start building Strong Towns.


Special thanks to the suggestions of our friends Jennifer, Edward and Dan with NextGen. You can join our conversation here by leaving a comment or join us for more Strong Towns content on Facebook and Twitter. If you are interested in having the Strong Towns message brought to your community, sign up for a Curbside Chat and we'll make plans to get together in a town near you.