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CNU NextGen

For those of you looking for the Friday News Digest, time has gotten away from me today, and for good reason. I'm sitting in Miami Beach in the office of The Original Green, Steve Mouzon, with a group of peers in the Congress for the new Urbanism's NextGen group.

The retreat begins with a series of presentations -- everyone gets a chance to give on Pecha Kucha style -- and those are being broadcast on WebEx. I was a late arriver today (thanks to a great speaking engagement last night in Martin County, Florida) and so I don't have the web address yet. I'm going to hunt that down and post it here shortly so that anyone can watch the live stream.

Update: The web address for the Pecha Kucha presentations is There are also being video taped and I'm assuming will be upload at some point. Lots of good stuff so far. My favorite is Scott Ford's list of essential reading....a number of titles I have not read and will need to order ASAP.

You can follow the day on Twitter at #NextUrb

Check back for more later.