Strong Towns

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Pennsylvania Update

We just arrived at our hotel in Pittsburgh for the last day of our Pennsylvania Tour. Justin and I have covered hundreds of miles of Pennsylvania, met with hundreds of people and chatted for hours and hours. My voice is almost gone, but thanks to the Halls corporation, I believe I have enough left for two more Chats tomorrow. 

This has been absolutely fantastic but, as with any marathon, also exhausting. I'm sorry, everyone, but I don't have the stamina for a Friday News Digest or other post today (it is 2 AM, after all). I'm going to catch some rest, but did want to let you know that we recorded a short podcast update that is now available. Some fun while traveling - hope you enjoy.

We fly home Saturday. I miss my family a ton and am looking forward to getting back to Minnesota, but we've learned a lot here, met a lot of great people and gone a long ways in spreading the Strong Towns message. It has been time well spent. I'll give you a full update next week along with lots more.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Curbside Chat in Lancaster, PA.