Strong Towns

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Curbside Chat Updates - New York and Pennsylvania

We're winding down 2013 with one last Curbside Chat trip next week.

Buffalo, NY - Wednesday, December 11

This will be a Strong Towns on Tap at Founding Fathers Pub, 75 Edward St, Buffalo starting at 7:30 PM. 

Niagara Falls, NY - Thursday, December 12

This is part of the One Region Forward Economics of Sustainability series. The Curbside Chat begins at 8:00 AM. Event is open to the public. Register online.

Erie, PA - Thursday, December 12

Public Curbside Chat at the Jefferson Educational Society at 3207 State Street. Event starts at 7:00 PM. For questions contact Michael Fuhrman.

Erie, PA - Friday, December 13

This is a workshop/chat with local public officials beginning at 9:00 AM. If you would like to attend this event, please contact Jim Kumon.

We are pretty tightly booked through June of 2014 and will update that schedule for you after the first of the year. Very exciting! Also, don't forget the Strong Towns National Gathering in September of 2014. Details on that to be provided in early 2014 as well. Again, very exciting!