RFP - Strong Towns on Tap: Pecha Kucha!

1. Summary

Strong Towns is accepting proposals for the next Strong Towns on Tap to be held on April 9th starting at 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm at HUGE Theater in Uptown Minneapolis (Lyndale Ave & 31st).

The April “on Tap” will be a series of fast-paced, highly-visual presentations on the topics of land use, transportation, urban development, placemaking, urban design, municipal finance or any other Strong Towns-related topic. The event will be recorded, videotaped and produced; and each presenter will be given their materials to promote online. Think of it as a free TED-style video and podcast that you’ll be able to distribute.

2. Proposal Guidelines and Requirements

This is an open and competitive process.  Anyone is welcome to apply. Presentations may be no more than 6 minutes and can include up to 20 presentation slides. Other forms of presentation materials are also welcome.

For a proposal to be considered for presentation, the following must be included:
•    Brief biography of presenter
•    Basic concept of presentation
•    Answer the question: Why should Strong Towns select your presentation?

Proposals will be accepted no later than Sunday, March 31st, 2013 at 11:59 pm.  Incomplete applications will not be considered, unless they are really good ideas.

Completed proposals are to be sent in an electronic format, preferably PDF in Word.  Please send proposals via email with the subject line, “Strong Towns on Tap Proposal” to Nate Hood at hood@strongtowns.net.

3. About Strong Towns

Strong Towns is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that helps America's towns achieve financial strength and resiliency.

We travel the nation and the digisphere to promote a complete understanding of the costs that are associa­ted with our communities' methods of growth, and we advocate to address those costs via productive changes in our pattern of development.

For more information, please visit www.StrongTowns.org.

Nathaniel M. Hood