Strong Towns

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Open Mic: New Year's resolutions for your city

In 2015, our city is resolved to......

At the beginning of each year, people make resolutions -- publicly or privately -- indicating things they would like to change in the coming year. For me, I'd like to make an effort to more often go to bed the same day I wake up (I'm a terrible night owl) and cut back on the Mountain Dew (one can a day is a goal -- no heckling, please).

What if our cities made resolutions? What if public officials spent the final days of each year cloistered away with some good books and lots of time for reflection and emerged with new resolve to tackle the problems of the community? What if....

We want to know what you'd like those resolutions to be. We're not talking about the quit smoking, lose 50 pounds and run a triathlon type of things. That's what our #ponzifinance cities do now. No, we just want one or two small cutting back to one Mountain Dew per day. If you could write an achievable resolution for your city in 2015, what would it be?

Here is mine:

Brainerd resolves that every street design it does in 2015 will have an 85th percentile speed (the speed most drivers feel uncomfortable exceeding) of 20 mph, a speed still at the high end of neighborhood compatibility, wherever there is a reasonable expectation of daily contact with pedestrians or cyclists.

What's yours?

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