Strong Towns

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Thank You

As 2015 comes to a close, we need to say some big Thank Yous to the multitude of people that help make Strong Towns possible. We are a small organization with just three full-time staff. Our work would be nothing without the assistance of volunteers who give their time and talent to this movement. Here are some people we would particularly like to thank:

Our Regular Contributors:

  • Gracen Johnson whose weekly column, Field Notes, inspires us to be better neighbors and whose films are transformative works of art
  • Nate Hood, whose fresh and sometimes humorous perspective on urban living teaches us lots, and who stepped up this summer when Chuck was busy dealing with the storm
  • Johnny Sanphillippo, whose travels and photographs offer us enlightening insights about creative living all over the world
  • Andrew Price, whose thoughtful explanations and description photo essays educate us on a myriad of issues
  • Daniel Herriges whose in-depth essays and reflections on life as a planning student shed light on fascinating topics, and who stepped up this summer when Chuck was busy dealing with the storm
  • Matthias Leyrer whose design skills and willingness to jump in whenever needed help us tremendously


Our Key Volunteers:

  • Joe Minicozzi and Josh McCarty at Urban Three, whose maps have changed the way we view municipal finance and whose work aids in so much of what we do here
  • Jesse Bailey who always shares phenomenal ideas and offers his frequent support to this movement
  • Lou Huang who designed our #BlackFridayParking map
  • Brian Brown who helped with some behind-the-scenes graphic design work
  • The many members who have helped to organize Strong Towns events and meet ups throughout North America
  • The numerous other volunteers helping with upcoming projects
  • And finally, our Board--Andrew Burleson, Ian Rasmussen and John Reuter--who guide and support Strong Towns every day.

Thank You!


(Top photo by Rachel Quednau)