Strong Towns

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"The work of Strong Towns is too important not to support it."

This week, we're going to tell you all about why we think you should become a member of Strong Towns. But you don't need to take our word for it. Below are responses from dozens of members who recently answered our question, Why did you choose to become a member of Strong Towns? 

After you've read them, we invite you to become a member and join this amazing group of people who are working to build Strong Towns.

Photo from a recent event in Thunder Bay, Canada

"Our country needs to pull it together and Strong Towns is one of the few voices for fiscal sanity."

- Jay Ferm

"In this life, with so many people wanting to apply camouflage and band-aids to problems instead of treating the hard causes, there are all too few opportunities to really contribute to making things better in a systematic way rather than just treating symptoms. Failing to invest in Strong Towns would be like having passed on the chance to help Drs. Sabin and Salk work on polio."

- John Gear

"The work of Strong Towns is too important not to support it."

- J Szathmari

"The message was so pertinent and urgent that I felt I needed to do my small part to promote it."

- Jeffrey Sleasman

"Optimism may not be everything, but pessimism is nothing. For me, Strong Towns is all about the opportunity to positively impact where I live; my home town. There's no other way to make this kind of change but to undo it from the bottom up, one step at a time."

- Paul B.

"It was time to show that I was supporting the movement, not just absorbing from it."

- Jill Rohring

"When we find good people willing to do and say the right things, they deserve our support."

- Pat Trahan

"I consume the content, I tell others to read the articles and listen to the podcast; becoming a member of Strong Towns felt like a natural step. Much like supporting public radio, I feel that if I draw such valuable insights from Strong Towns, I should be willing to support it with my dollars (and to be fair, membership fees are less than a night out so it isn't the end of the world)."

- Colton Powell

"I found that the Strong Towns organization was one of the few willing to address the underlying fiscal issues that affect the solvency and sustainability of our places.  All of the other professional organizations seemed more focused on the social or spatial design aspects-certainly things that are important-but completely missed the key issue-can a place actually support itself from the wealth it creates."  

- Brian Ludicke

“I know my membership supports responsible advocacy for critical issues faced by millions of people across the country.” 

- Matthew Adair

"Supporting Strong Towns financially makes us part of the solutions that Strong Towns shares.  We only give a little, but if everyone using Strong Towns for ideas and advocacy joined up, the support would add up considerably."

- Reuben Moore

"I read a couple of articles and it made so much sense. I just want to help get this message out any way I can!" 

- Dan Majewski

"Strong Towns is consistently a valuable resource. I frequently share videos, campaigns, podcasts, articles with people.  We need to rethink so many things - city building, parking, transportation, etc. - and Strong Towns consistently provides great information and clearly thought out discussions."

- Heyden Walker

"I strongly support the direction this organization is going, and I wanted to help move it forward."

-Ernie R

(Top photo of Strong Towns on the Minnesota Iron Range, by Lee Bloomquist)

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