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Value Per Acre Webcast

We’re incredibly excited to announce the latest addition to our 2016 Member Webcast Series: Performing a Value Per Acre Analysis with Joshua McCarty at Urban3. Mark your calendars!

Member Webcast Series: Performing a Value Per Acre Analysis 

THURSDAY, MARCH 24TH 9-10:30 PDT / 12-1:30PM EDT

The value per acre analysis is featured prominently in the Curbside Chat. It is an incredibly effective way to visualize how traditional development patterns compare to auto-oriented suburbia. This tool has helped change the conversation in communities from coast to coast.

Joshua will provide an overview of the value per acre analysis, explain what goes into it and offer thoughts on how it can be utilized in the most impactful way. In addition, he will discuss some exciting projects he has been working on at Urban3 including work in Lafayette, LA and a new interactive model of Des Moines, IA.

These webcasts are available exclusively for members. If you’re not a member, sign up and we’ll send you the webcast link. 

Joshua McCarty is Urban3’s Chief Analytics Researcher and resident Geo-Accountant. Josh’s work focuses on new ways to visualize local finance. At the core of this work is an ongoing effort to quantify, measure, and communicate patterns of urban development and the outcomes of design choices. His work focuses on the intersection of public policy, urban design, and economics. Joshua handles background work that turns raw data into relevant and recognizable patterns and is responsible for developing new analytical tools such as the 3D Tax Model. Prior to joining Urban3, Joshua worked as a researcher quantifying sprawl and environmental impacts in the Chesapeake Watershed and nationally. His graduate education at the University of North Carolina’s Department of City and Regional Planning focused on real estate development.

Have a topic you’d like to see covered in a future webcast? Perhaps a presentation of your own you’d like to share with the Strong Towns community? Contact us. We’d love to hear about it!