Strong Towns

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A town where every child can walk to school

You might not expect something revolutionary to come out of a Cleveland suburb, but the following video by Streetfilms would say otherwise. Lakewood, OH is a "walking school district." The town has never, in its history, owned schoolbuses, so streets are designed to ensure that every child can walk or bike to school.

Maybe that's not terribly revolutionary; after all, walking and biking to school used to be commonplace. But somewhere in the second half of the twentieth century, when other school districts began building large campuses on the edge of town and busing children for 40+ minutes each way, Lakewood resisted the tide shift and continued to structure their district around the concept of walking.

Not only does this mean that children get healthy exercise each morning and afternoon, plus communal time with their peers and families who walk with them, the following video explains, "Lakewood City School District spokesperson Christine Gordillo estimates the policy saves them about one million dollars annually."

Looks pretty doable, right?

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