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Top 5 Stories This Week (Jan 15-19, 2018)

Here's what you guys loved the most on our site this week:

Why Walkable Streets are More Economically Productive

by Rachel Quednau | January 18, 2018

3 dollars-and-cents arguments that definitively prove the need for people-oriented, walk-friendly places.

Blame the Infrastructure, Not the Person Biking

by Alex Baca | January 16, 2018

This summer, I broke my jaw in a crash with another cyclist who was going the wrong way in my bike lane. But I don't blame him for what happened. 

Slow the Cars

by Charles Marohn | January 16, 2018

The most compelling thing we can do today to make our cities wealthier and more successful is to substantially slow automobile speeds on our streets.

Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow

by Jason Segedy | January 17, 2018

Over the last 70 years, our cities and towns have spread out in a way that our forebears never dreamed of, and that future generations will never be able to pay for.

Lessons Learned in Meeting the Demand for Family-Friendly Urban Living

by Jennifer Griffin | January 17, 2018

The transformation of downtown Vancouver begins to illustrate the potential return for cities that work to make their downtowns conducive for families with kids.

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