Strong Towns

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Top 5 Stories from the Week (Oct 29–Nov 2, 2018)

Here's our top content from the week.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. We Regulate the Wrong Things

by Daniel Herriges | October 31, 2018

Most cities’ zoning and development regulations obsess over things that are easy to measure, like building height and density, at the expense of the things that actually determine whether we’re building quality places.

2. When it Comes to Housing, Do Millennials Have a Different American Dream?

Upzoned podcast | Kea Wilson and Daniel Herriges | October 26, 2018

Forget Barbie. What does the Millennial Dream House look like?

3. Local Governments’ Alarming Capital Spending Ratios

by James Bacon | October 29, 2018

There are many ways for state and local governments to run hidden deficits, one of which is deferred maintenance. But it turns out there is a way to measure the extent to which local governments kick the maintenance can down the road.

4. Getting From Here to There in Rural America

by Aubrey Byron | November 1, 2018

Being carless in rural communities, whether because of finance or circumstance, can be a debilitating and isolating situation. How can we meet rural America’s transportation needs in meaningful yet affordable ways?

5. Notes From the Road....

by Charles Marohn | October 29, 2018

A few reflections during the middle of a marathon of travel.

(Cover photo by Daniel Herriges.)