Strong Towns

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Top 5 Stories This Week (June 4-8, 2018)

Here's what everyone was reading this week on our site. Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. What’s up with all those empty commercial storefronts in new mixed-use developments?
by Rachel Quednau | June 6, 2018

Why all these new storefronts are sitting vacant.

2. Reflections on 2 Years Without a Car
by Nolan Gray | June 5, 2018

5 things I learned from giving up my car.

3. How Bike Lanes Benefit Businesses
by Rachel Quednau | June 4, 2018

…even when they get rid of a few parking spots in the process.

4. 2 Steps to Make Your Town More Welcoming to Local Businesses
by Grant Henninger | June 5, 2018

By taking these two simples steps, any town can create a thriving small business community.

5. Toward Dynamic Zoning Codes
by Patrick Braga | June 7, 2018

A small change to zoning codes could help overcome some of the forces stifling growth in American cities and avoid displacement of long-term residents at the same time.