Top 5 Stories This Week (July 23-27, 2018)

Here's what got the most reads on our site this week.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. “Why Are Developers Only Building Luxury Housing?”

by Daniel Herriges | July 25, 2018

"Developers in my city are only building luxury housing. They're not building anything that ordinary people can afford." If you’ve said this lately, or heard someone else say it, here are five possible reasons why.

2. The Costs of Fragility

by Charles Marohn | July 23, 2018

When your community is financially fragile, you lose options. In the case of Brainerd, Minnesota, that may mean letting go of a landmark.

3. Mapping the Effects of California's Prop 13

by Connor Nielsen | July 23, 2018

New maps from Urban3 visualize the shocking disparities in who is actually footing municipal bills in California.

4. What a Difference $1,000 Makes: Part One and Part Two

by Jen Jones Donatelli | July 24 + 25, 2018

When the housing market is depressed and you can’t get a return on your investment, there is little incentive to put any money into improvements. It’s a vicious cycle that several Akron nonprofits are trying to break.

5. Our streets are an emergency situation for cyclists. Why should we fix them incrementally?

by Kea Wilson | July 26, 2018

The smallest step might actually be the smartest one.

Strong Towns