Strong Towns

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Strongest Town: Championship Round

It all comes down to this.

We started with a field of 16 great towns and cities. After three rounds—written answers, photo essays, and podcast interviews—and tens of thousands of votes cast, we’re down to just two:

Lockport, Illinois and Oxford, Mississippi

Now, for our final round, Strong Towns president Chuck Marohn is interviewing representatives from these two communities in a webcast: Mayor Steve Streit of Lockport, and Mayor Robyn Tannehill of Oxford. You can watch it on the Strong Towns YouTube channel, or you can watch it below. We’ve also made an audio recording available via the Strong Towns podcast, which you can also listen to below.

Voting closes at 12 p.m. CDT on Thursday April 8. You can vote once in the contest. For full contest rules, and to catch up with the first three rounds, visit the Strongest Town page. We’ll announce the winner on Friday, April 9!

Voting has now closed. The winner will be announced Friday, April 9.



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