Strong Towns

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How To Turn a Neglected Alley Into a Beloved (and Wealth-Generating) "Minor Street"

Does your city have alleys?

If you answered yes to that question, there’s a good chance your city’s alleys are underutilized, if not neglected outright. That’s a shame, because alleys are a largely untapped resource communities should be using to build lasting prosperity.

This week, Strong Towns was proud to run a four-part series by Thomas Dougherty, an architect in West Chester, Pennsylvania, who is a leading voice in helping cities rediscover and reimagine the wealth-building potential of long-overlooked alleys. In those articles, Dougherty explained why alleys provide a unique opportunity for towns and cities to cultivate walkable, human-scaled neighborhoods—while simultaneously addressing the need for diverse, affordable housing.

We have collected that series into this new, free e-book, The American Alley: A Hidden Resource. The e-book includes the full text of the articles, along with additional illustrations and two appendices that go deeper on the design principles of the world’s most beloved “minor streets.”

Whether you’re an incremental developer, a housing or walkability advocate, a local official trying to grow your city’s tax base, or a homeowner who wants to build an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on your property, The American Alley will help you understand why alleys were forgotten in the first place…and spur your imagination for what’s possible, now.

Cover image via E.L. Malvaney on Flickr.

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