Three Weeks to the Minute...

...until the kickoff of the Strong Towns National Gathering on Friday, September 12 at 1 PM.  We're really excited to see so many of you together in one group for the first time!

The Friday News Digest will return next week as we ramp up to our fall schedule of speaking and continued work on forwarding the Strong Towns message. 

Permits are pulled and sessions are coming together for the event which will shape the future of our movement. At the gathering we’re going to be focused on three major themes: what we want, what we know, and what we do. Read more about the themes and schedule of the event.

To challenge and inspire us will be keynote presentations by Chuck Marohn, Dallas developer Monte Anderson, former Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn and the unveling of the new Curbside Chat trailer video by Gracen Johnson.

Perhaps most importantly, the National Gathering will be a time to discuss a more complete and succinct way to define what it means to, "Do what you can to build Strong Towns."  A draft of what we are calling the Strong Towns Platform is being finished up currently and will be released to our Members and attendees of the Gathering.  In conjunction with the message of why and how we need Strong Towns, we also need better direction on what each of us can do about it, concept Andrew Burleson discussed in this post about an Individual Call to Action.

The Call to Action today is this: Register to attend the National Gathering. We are at a tipping point in terms of the logistics and will need to finalize much of our details in the next week in order to send out appropriate information to the attendees. Remember, there are options to attend just one day of the conference, Friday or Saturday, if you can't make it for the whole event.

If you are coming and haven't formally registered, please do so today. If you are on the fence, maybe need a place to stay on the cheap or other help, email me and we'll try to figure something out.

To our registered attendees: More information on travel logistics and conference planning details are forthcoming in an email later today. We will be starting a Google Group for all attendees as a more direct communication line leading up to and during the event. Stay Tuned!