Top 5 Stories This Week
Residents stand up at the end of the public hearing in Sarasota, FL. Read Daniel Herriges essay on NIMBYism and neighborhood concerns.
Read our top content from October 10-14:
What's the Matter with Portland?
by Charles Marohn, October 12, 2016
Questioning 4 common arguments about why housing is unaffordable in Portland.
The Neighbor's Dilemma
by Daniel Herriges, October 14, 2016
Homeowners who oppose the kinds of things that many urbanists find sensible aren't oblivious, exceptionally selfish, or deserving of being demonized. They are responding to a set of very rational incentives, and those rational incentives are at the heart of why it's going to be extremely difficult to alter the course of the Suburban Experiment in a meaningful way.
A Los Angeles Road Diet That Worked
by Rachel Quednau, October 11, 2016
Recent data shows that a road diet in Los Angeles was successful in decreasing speeds and crashes while maintaining a consistent traffic volume. That may not come as a surprise to Strong Towns readers, but it did to the many critics and naysayers in the neighborhood.
Using Collision Mapping to Indicate Cycling Desire Lines
by Darren Proulx, October 12, 2016
A surprising data source can offer valuable information about where there is the most need for bike lanes. And it's available in towns across the continent.
Come Work for Strong Towns
by Strong Towns, October 10, 2016
Strong Towns is seeking someone to join our team as a Member Coordination Specialist. The deadline to apply is October 21.
(Top image source)