Our Top 5 Articles from the Week
Here are the 5 pieces that were most popular on our site this week:
Graphic by Matthias Leyrer
And the Strongest Town Award Goes to...
Strong Towns, April 4, 2016
We started with 16 towns from across the United States. This week we announced the Strongest.
Please, I'm not a Smart Growth Advocate
Charles Marohn, April 4, 2016
I wish news reporters would stop calling me a Smart Growth advocate. I'm a Strong Towns advocate.
Why Mixed-Income Neighborhoods Matter: Lifting Kids Out of Poverty
Joe Cortright, April 5, 2016
We need to build cities where mixed-income neighborhoods are the norm, not the exception.
Bringing Back the Corner Store
Charles Marohn, April 5, 2016
Corner stores have a mythic place in our view of American cities. Mythic because, in most cities, they exist only in our minds.
The Restaurant Factor
Rachel Quednau, April 7, 2016
Good restaurants are essential to neighborhood success, and here are four reasons why.