A TV Interview with Chuck Marohn
As part of our Iron Range events last week, Chuck Marohn was asked to participate in a local tv program, Almanac North. The hosts asked some challenging, insightful questions and gave an opportunity for Chuck Marohn to discuss the Strong Towns movement in depth, as well as our work on the Iron Range. Take a look:
“The greatest amount of change happens when there’s a broad cultural shift, so we have focused our attention on reaching everyday people. These people just intuitively get it. Once you see it you can’t really unlearn it.”
We also have a few more photos to share of Strong Towns conversations in action on the Iron Range including panel discussions, walking tours, and roundtable meetings:

Thanks to the Blandin Foundation and the IRRRB for sponsoring these events.
The Curbside Chat+ on the Iron Range is a model we plan to replicate in other regions across the country, saturating a community with the Strong Towns message and engaging everyone in a public dialogue about the path toward prosperity. It's just one of the ways we work to fulfill our mission of supporting a model of development that allows America's cities, towns and neighborhoods to become financially strong and resilient.
If you're interested in bringing Strong Towns to your community, please get in touch with us.