Introducing our New Book

We've been working hard for the last few months to bring you a brand new Strong Towns book, which we're excited to unveil today.

Thoughts on Building Strong Towns, Volume III is a collection of our best essays from 2016, re-edited and arranged into a full-length book.

All around us, we see communities mired in debt, struggling just to patch potholes or repaint storefronts. Yet we also see our governments spending incredible sums of money on new highways, stadiums and civic centers. Why is there such a mismatch between our neighborhoods’ basic needs—unfulfilled—and a seemingly endless pot of money that our local leaders can tap into to pay for unnecessary megaprojects? How can we change this model of development so that our towns build lasting prosperity from the bottom up, with people like you and me, instead of faking it from the top down?

These are some of the key questions Strong Towns sets out to answer in Volume III of Thoughts on Building Strong Towns.

The book features essays by Strong Towns President, Charles Marohn, and  long-time Strong Towns contributors like Daniel Herriges, Andrew Price and Sarah Kobos — as well as some new writers like Jennifer Griffin and Alexander Dukes. The book addresses a broad range of topics — everything from street design to the 2016 election — with a special focus on housing, infrastructure and economic growth.

The paperback version is currently for sale on Amazon and the eBook will be available shortly there as well.

Strong Towns members get a free PDF of the book (check your emails for that or contact if you didn't receive it.)

You can view all of our books (including Thoughts on Building Strong Towns Volumes I and II) and other merchandise in the Strong Towns Shop.