Our Top 5 Stories This Week

Here's what was most popular on our site this week:

What is Blight? 

by Rachel Quednau | September 27, 2017

What makes one building worth saving and another worth destroying?

A Conversation about the Purple Line in Maryland

This week, we featured two opposing viewpoints about a new light rail line in the Washington, DC area:

What the Amazon Headquarters Beauty Contest can Teach us About Economic Development

by Seth Zeren | September 26, 2017

(Hint: It doesn't involve luring a mega-corporation to our community.)

A Town Well Planned: Zoning with Context

by Alexander Dukes | September 28, 2017

A traditional pattern of development requires zoning that is fine-grained, geographically contextual and responsive to observable feedback.

Who Pays for Parking? Unraveling the Hidden Subsidies that Clog our Streets

by Tony Dutzik | September 26, 2017

America’s dependence on the car is reinforced by a tapestry of rules, practices and norms that make driving relatively easy and cheap and other options comparatively difficult and expensive.

(Top photo source: Nicholas LB)

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