Your Mega-Retail Questions Answered: "Ask Strong Towns" Celebrity Edition with Stacy Mitchell
It’s late November, the smell of turkey is in the air, and we’re looking ahead to the new year. We’re pleased to announce two upcoming webcasts in early 2019, exclusive to Strong Towns members.
First up, on Tuesday, January 29th, we have a new Ask Strong Towns: Celebrity Edition, a regular live Q&A session with Chuck Marohn and another prominent thinker whose work intersects with the Strong Towns mission of resilient and financially productive communities.
Stacy Mitchell
This time around, we’re bringing on Stacy Mitchell, co-director of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and author of Big-Box Swindle: The True Cost of Mega-Retailers and the Fight for America’s Independent Businesses. Here’s how Mitchell’s website describes her work:
Stacy Mitchell is co-director of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and directs its Community-Scaled Economy Initiative, which produces research and analysis, and partners with a range of allies to design and implement policies that curb economic consolidation and strengthen community-rooted enterprise. Among the first to raise the alarm about the rise of mega-retailers in the 1990s, Stacy is a nationally recognized leader in the movement to counter their power.
We’ve had Mitchell on the podcast before to talk about her research on big-box retailers. More recently, she has been examining the rise of Amazon and its implications for local economic vitality and independence, as in this widely-circulated article for The Nation.
Join Stacy Mitchell and Strong Towns President, Chuck Marohn, on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 12:00pm CST for this "celebrity edition” of our monthly Ask Strong Towns webcast.
Then, on Friday, February 22nd, 2019 at 12:00pm CST, our regular Ask Strong Towns webcast returns. This is your chance to ask President Chuck Marohn and Communications Director Kea Wilson all your burning questions about Strong Towns, whether with a capital “ST”—the movement, the organization, our strategy and plans for the future—or a lower case one—whatever issues you’ve come across in your efforts to make your own town stronger that you’re dying to have us weigh in on.
To join either one of these member-exclusive webcasts, become a member of the Strong Towns movement. Members, please check your email for your exclusive invitation, or email member support.