Top 5 Stories from the Week (Sept 10–Sept 14, 2018)

Here's our top content from the week.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. It’s Legal to Run Lights… and Other Things You Might Not Know About Cycling

by Aubrey Byron | September 11, 2018

Myth busting time: that infuriating thing you saw a bicyclist do the other day? They were probably doing it for a reason, that reason probably had to do with safety, and it might not have been against the law after all.

2. If You’re Going to Allow ADUs, Don’t Make It So Hard to Build One

by Daniel Herriges | September 11, 2018

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are a quintessentially Strong Towns approach to urban growth and affordability issues: bottom-up, decentralized, incremental, scalable and adaptable. Unfortunately, a litany of restrictions often makes them an unappealing option even where allowed.

3. Risking Some Tough Talk

by Charles Marohn | September 10, 2018

You can’t build stroads, subsidize big box stores and accept endless edge development, and have that work out for you just because you threw a block party, painted a mural and put in a temporary bike lane.

4. Driverless Cars and the Cult of Technology

by Andy Singer | September 12, 2018

Why stake our hopes on a technology that’s still far from ready for mass adoption? Building walkable cities, where jobs, goods and services are closer together, is a much surer, cheaper, less resource-intensive path to sustainability.

5. What If We Built Houses That Didn’t Need Any Infrastructure At All?

by Kea Wilson | September 13, 2018

Earthship Biotecture is an attempt to answer a radical question: can you build a house that not only needs substantially less infrastructure than the average home, but needs almost no infrastructure at all?

Strong Towns