Announcing Strong Towns Regional Gatherings: Southern California and the Capital District of New York

It’s one of the most common requests we get from readers. We love the Strong Towns approach here in [insert city or region], but we really need a big push to get us started. Couldn’t your staff just come here for a few days and spark the conversation, so our Strong Citizens can really take the ball and run with it?

Until now, we haven’t been able to say yes to that question very often. But that’s all about to change.

Today, we’re announcing two in an ongoing series of Strong Towns Regional Gatherings. These immersive explorations of the groundbreaking and internationally recognized Strong Towns approach to building financially strong, resilient, lovable, and livable communities for all residents are designed specifically to show you how to apply that approach in your unique place. And we’ve got not one but two of them coming up soon.

Check out the pages below for all the details we’ve announced so far, and keep an eye on our new Gathering page for future events to be announced.

Don’t live in one of these communities? Message our Development Director Bo Wright to discuss options for sponsoring a future Gathering in your place.