Strong Towns

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Announcing the Local-Motive Tour

Welcome to 2021, the Strong Towns Year of Action.

Most of us spent the end of 2020 in a subdued way. Absent were the large gatherings and revelry. Gone were the handshakes and hugs. Messages of peace and goodwill had to be delivered digitally. We all look forward to easier times. 

There is a sense now that we are in the eye of a hurricane. I certainly feel that. With multiple coronavirus vaccines now being distributed, a period of unknown challenge is hopefully passing. Optimistically, we can see a way the public health part of this is resolved. There are many unknowns, but hope is not unwarranted.

In front of us is a challenge that is more ambiguous. How do we put things back together? How do we strengthen places that were financially frayed even before 2020? How do our local businesses, neighborhoods, and communities recover in an economy that has disadvantaged them in almost every way? 

And, at the local level, how do we do it with the resources we have on hand? We can’t wait for others to take action on our behalf. If we want to build a Strong Town, we are going to have to do that with the people around us using the things we have at our disposal.

At Strong Towns, we have many things planned to support a Year of Action, lots of stuff we are putting together and announcements we are going to make along the way. The first of many is the Local-Motive Tour.

With the Local-Motive Tour, we are matching questions our members have with experts on taking action to provide a series of online events designed to kickstart the year. Whether you are a community leader, part of a professional staff working on city issues, or a concerned citizen that wants their place to be stronger and more prosperous, we are giving you the insight and guidance you need to take that next step.

Here are the ten courses included in the Local-Motive Tour:

  • Go or no go? Doing the math on new projects.

  • How to talk to a NIMBY.

  • Picking your next bike lane battle.

  • Community engagement that works.

  • How to clear a path for small-scale developers in your town.

  • 4 steps toward a more resilient local food system.

  • 3 strategies for growing entrepreneurs in your city.

  • Establishing a street design team.

  • 5 simple ways to build a stronger neighborhood.

  • You’re not alone: How to find kindred spirits and jumpstart the Strong Towns conversation where you live.

You can participate in any one of these individually or get a pass for the entire tour. We have split it up this way to make it as affordable and accessible as possible, with thanks to some generous sponsors that are helping with that. Each course will provide continuing education credits, for those that need them. And if you are a Strong Towns Member, check your email for a discount code.

This is the first week of the new year. Next week we will have another announcement to support the Year of Action, with many more coming throughout 2021. Thank you for being the difference in your community. Keep doing what you can to build a Strong Town.