Join us for a Free Webcast Tomorrow on Building Resilient Local Economies

So many towns generate wealth for other places, while those within the community don’t get to benefit from economic gains. It’s time to break that cycle. Tomorrow’s free webcast and Q&A will show you how.

Join us for “Breaking Out of the Resource Trap: An Economic Plan for Your Community,” Tuesday, June 8, at 11 am Central. Register now.

Join Strong Towns President Charles Marohn to learn about how your community can grow more prosperous through a diversified local economy.

In this webcast, you’ll learn about five key strategies to help shore up a strong local economy that doesn’t depend on one mill or one plant—but an economy that is resilient for whatever lies ahead. Success is possible, no matter a community’s size or resources. The steps we’ll outline have not only been proven effective, they are available to any place that wants to pursue them.

Plus attendees will get early access to our free in-depth, action-focused ebook Breaking Out of the Resource Trap.

If you appreciate resources like this webcast and ebook, please donate to Strong Towns so we can provide more of them and help people like you take action across the country.